Developer’s Guide

This is a short developer guide for using the included development environment. We provide both a base container for VSCode, and a production container with PerfFlowAspect you can use for application development outside of that. This is done via the .devcontainer directory. You can follow the DevContainers tutorial where you’ll basically need to:

  1. Install Docker, or compatible engine

  2. Install the Development Containers extension

Then you can go to the command palette (View -> Command Palette) and select Dev Containers: Open Workspace in Container. and select your cloned PerfFlowAspect repository root. This will build a development environment. You are free to change the base image and rebuild if you need to test on another operating system! When your container is built, when you open Terminal -> New Terminal you’ll be in the container, which you can tell based on being the “vscode” user. You can then proceed to the sections below to build and test PerfFlowAspect.

Important the development container assumes you are on a system with uid 1000 and gid 1000. If this isn’t the case, edit the .devcontainer/Dockerfile to be your user and group id. This will ensure changes written inside the container are owned by your user. It’s recommended that you commit on your system (not inside the container) because if you need to sign your commits, the container doesn’t have access and won’t be able to. If you find that you accidentally muck up permissions and need to fix, you can run this from your terminal outside of VSCode:

$ sudo chown -R $USER .git/
# and then commit

Installing PerfFlowAspect

Once inside the development environment, you can compile PerfFlowAspect:

export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.1/bin/:$PATH
cd src/c
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -DLLVM_DIR=/usr/lib/llvm-10/cmake ..
sudo make install

If you want to run tests, cd to where the tests are, and run a few!

cd src/c/build/test

Note that if you don’t have a GPU, these probably will error (I do not)! Here is how to run Python tests:

cd src/python/test

You’ll again have issues without an actual GPU. And that’s it! Note that we will update this documentation as we create more examples.